Saving The Monarchy

Monarch butterflies are some of the most extraordinary insects in North America. They are recognized for their striking wing patterns and the extreme lengths they fly during their annual migration pattern. They are essential to our environment. Early education curriculums even hone on this unique species, sharing lessons of life cycle, ecology, conservation, migration, and experiments.

Unfortunately, the monarch’s population has steadily declined in the past years, and they are quickly moving toward the endangered list. Saving The Monarchy focuses on their extinction rate, associated causes, and how we can support their existence moving forward. It is a call to action-

Save The Monarchy!

Decline of the Monarchy

Decline of the Monarchy is a dicut poster series that includes 4 posters. Each individual poster is 11” x 17” and installed together they are 22” x 34”. This poster series focuses on the decline of the monarch butterflies over the past 30 years and the causes of it.

Saving the Monarchy, Booklet

Saving the Monarchy is a booklet that is 14 pages long and measures approximately 11'“ x 17”. The paper used is card stock. The pages are cut to be shaped like butterfly wings and perfect bound. This booklet focuses on taking a more innocent approach to the topic of the monarch butterfly’s endangerment and what can be done to help. The book explains it in a way a child could understand the topic.

Saving the Monarchy, Video

Saving the Monarchy is a 2:05 video that is 1920px. x 1080px. This video uses vivid colors and imagery in order to deliver the urgent message that is the endangerment of the monarch butterflies. The video also contains information of causes of their decline and the effects that it has had on the species.


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